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Bauhinia monandra
Family: Fabaceae
Subfamily: Caesalpinioideae
Orchid tree, Napoleon's plume

Nice landscape tree, good shade tree for summer. Bauhinias were named in honor of the brothers Bauhin, Swiss botanists of the 16th-17th century. Their characteristic twin lobed leaves give them a definite tropical look. The species name 'monandra' refers to the fact that they have only one stamen. Sensitive to chlorosis, treat with iron chelate. Although not generally necessary, they can be pruned after flowering. The blossom is spectacular, the tree is covered of flowers looking like orchids. Flower will start out as a pale yellow but turn to pink the next day with the center petal streaked with magenta. Bauhinia monandra is used in Brazil for the treatment of diabetes.

Orchid tree seeds (Bauhinia monandra) Napoleon's plume

PriceFrom $4.50

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