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Red Trailing Bauhinia (Bauhinia Kockiana)

Common Name: Kock’s Bauhinia, Red Trailing Bauhinia, Climbing Bauhinia

Family name: Fabaceae / Leguminosae
Plant type: A flowering woody climber, native to Peninsula Malaysia.

Light: Full sun to semi-shade. Prefers morning sun and afternoon shade.

Moisture: Regular watering moderately.
Soil: Well-drained fertile soil.
Propagation: From germination of seeds, though Kock’s Bauhinia very rarely produce seed pods in cultivation. Usually, it is propagated by air layering or marcotting of its woody stems. Propagation by normal woody cuttings is not feasible as it is difficult to root.


It is suitable for covering fences, trellises, pergolas or, like in the wild, for climbing on the trees; the prunings are useful, to be done after the blooming, for keeping compact its posture and encouraging the formation of new floriferous branches. Where the climate does not allow the permanent cultivation in open air, it can be cultivated in pot, and then to be sheltered during the coldest months in an as much as possible luminous location with temperatures not under the 16 °C, utilizing a loam rich of organic substance with addition of siliceous sand or perlite per about the 30%; the waterings must be regular, but without stagnations, and the fertilizations to be done with balanced products with addition of microelements.

Red Trailing Bauhinia (Bauhinia kockiana) Rare flowering vine fresh seeds

PriceFrom $12.00

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