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Scientific name: Ardisia elliptic
Family name: shoebutton ardisia
Local name: Balu dan

Ardisia elliptica is an evergreen tree, also known as the shoebutton ardisia, duck's eye and coralberry.
Much-branches hrub,m high.Leave 7.5-1*2.5cm;petol -5 mm long;flowerpink pedicles 10-18mm long.Berry 5-6mm diameter,dark purlpe

Edible parts: wild fruit
Ayurvedic usage:
Treatment for, Breast adenocarcioma

In Malaysia, a decoction of leaves is said to assuage retrosternal pains, and a paste made from the leaves is used to treat herpes and measles. In Thai traditional medicine, the fruits are used to cure diarrhoea with fever. In Southeast Asia leaves are used to treat scabies, and fruit for intestinal worms.

Parts used in treatments
Related medical propertie
Antipl atelet activity

Shoebutton ardisia, Balu dan seeds (Ardisia elliptic) oraganic seeds

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